

时间:2014-02-28 16:03:17来源:zyn栏目:象棋技巧 阅读:
应用简介 Chinese Chess by two take turns walking son "to die" or "sleep death" each other (handsome) wins a chess movement, with hundreds of millions of fans. It can not only enrich the cultural life, strive to, but also contribute to the development of intelligence, enlightenment thinking, exercise of dialectical analysis of capacity and cultivate a str…...
展开 Chinese Chess by two take turns walking son "to die" or "sleep death" each other (handsome) wins a chess movement, with hundreds of millions of fans. It can not only enrich the cultural life, strive to, but also contribute to the development of intelligence, enlightenment thinking, exercise of dialectical analysis of capacity and cultivate a strong will.Game, by the party executive red chess go first, the two sides take turns walking each one, until the separation of win, loss, and, that is, the end game. Turn to playing chess, a pawn in another crossing point come from a cross-point, or eat each other's pieces and the occupation of their crossing point, are considered to go. Each side walk, called a round.Chess is the traditional Chinese culture, and are very popular not only in the country, but also spread abroad.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 中国象棋是由两人轮流走子,以“将死”或“困毙”对方将(帅)为胜的一种棋类运动,有着数以亿计的爱好者。它不仅能丰富文化生活,陶冶情操,更有助于开发智力,启迪思维,锻炼辨证分析能力和培养顽强的意志。对局时,由执红棋的一方先走,双方轮流各走一着,直至分出胜、负、和,对局即终了。轮到走棋的一方,将某个棋子从一个交叉点走到另一个交叉点,或者吃掉对方的棋子而占领其交叉点,都算走一着。双方各走一着,称为一个回合。象棋是中华民族的传统文化,不仅在国内深受群众喜爱,而且流传国外。




  • 象棋杀法—铁门栓杀法
  • 象棋杀法—双车错杀法
  • 象棋杀法—双马饮泉
  • 象棋杀法—天地炮杀法
  • 象棋杀法—车马冷着杀法
  • 象棋杀法—马后炮杀法
  • 象棋杀法—千里照面杀法
  • 象棋杀法—高吊马杀法
